LifeTrack High School, WA
Class of 20XX
No Response
Present Status: (Mark all that apply)
Work Full Time
Work Part Time
4 Year College
2 Year College
Voc/Tech School
No Response
Ethnicity / Race:
African American
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian/ Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander
Multi Ethnic
No Response
Yes               No               N/A
1.  Have you graduated from college?
2.  Did you select career and technical programs in high school to prepare you for your current employment?
3.  Was additional and/or specialized training required to meet the demands of any job you've had?
4.  Were high school courses challenging?
5.  Have you changed majors or career direction?
Please rate the following: ("A" = Excellent, "B" = Good, "C" = Average,
"D" = Below Average, "F" = Needs Improvement, "N/A"=Not Applicable)
A        B        C        D        F      N/A
6.  High school counseling services.
7.  How useful was your high school education?
8.  Rate your academic effort in high school.
9.  How well did your high school teach you to think and to solve problems?
10.  How well did high school prepare you to utilize technology?
11.  Rate how well the high school prepared you to enter the workforce.
12.  Rate how well the high school prepared you to continue your education.
13.  Please rate how well the high school provided a safe learning environment.
14.  How well did the high school provide a drug-free environment?