Perry High School, OH
Class of 2024
1.  What area(s) do you plan to pursue immediately after high school? (Mark all that apply)
4 Year College
2 Year College
Voc/Tech School
Work Full Time
Work Part Time
2.  Ethnic Origin:
African American
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian/ Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander
Multi Ethnic
3.  Gender:
4.  Did you have adequate access to information and guidance about your postsecondary choices and plans?
5.  Did school staff make learning engaging and encourage you to continue your education?
6.  Were enough elective classes offered for you to explore different career opportunities?
7.  Were Perry High School teachers creative and adaptable to your learning needs?
8.  My teachers provided me with frequent feedback regarding my academic performance.
9.  Did you have a positive learning experience at Perry High School?
Using the traditional grading style ("A" = Excellent, "B" = Good, "C" = Average,
"D" = Below Average, and "F" = Needs Improvement), please rate the following:
A           B          C           D           F
10.  Your teachers generally held high standards and demanded quality work.
11. Perry High School provided a safe learning environment.
12. Perry High School maintained a healthy, and orderly environment.
13.  You feel fully prepared for the transition to college.
14.  You feel fully prepared for the transition to the workplace.
15.  Perry High School provided you a strong foundation in the use of technology.
16.  Perry High School teachers believe that all students can learn.
17.  Rate the availability of teachers to meet with you before or after school to help with difficult material.
18.  You invested adequate time and effort in your high school education.
19.  You feel you are an effective communicator (one who successfully uses a variety of communication skills).
20.  Overall, how would you rate your educational experience at Perry High School?